Friday, November 22, 2013

Motorcycle Touring In Rural Thailand

I spent parts of 2 days here in Nong Yai Thailand traveling and exploring the countryside on a small beat up motorbike. It was lots of fun to be more mobile, I would see a dirt road on a sugar cane field and just head down it to see what I would find. I found lots of interesting landscapy subjects. The most interesting subjects were landscapes of coconut and rubber trees, the region around Nong Yai is made up of many rubber tree and coconut farms, so you would get rows and rows, acres and acres of  lined up trees, like cars in a parking lot. It was very beautiful and quite peaceful, I think I might return at some future date and shoot this subject with a large format 5x7 camera.

A motorcycle in Thailand is fun to use but comes with a certain amount of danger. I drove the motorcycle Thai style, no helmet and no drivers license! I was very cautious, I kept to the shoulder on all the busier roads and drove very slowly. As I drove about, everyone, and I mean everyone drove faster past me. At one point as I was driving a helmetless little old grey haired Thai grand-mom ( 70+) sped on past, I thought "Shit even the grannies are passing me!" Still it is better to be safe than to get injured in a motorcycle accident, been there done that, not doing it again!"