Saturday, December 4, 2010
The Children of Klong Toey Slum
The children of Klong Toey were a joy to be around today. Everywhere I went the waved and came up to me saying "HELLO!" in there school taught English and were delighted when I replied, "hello" back to them. I scared less children today only 1 cried on seeing me! I tried to talk to them at their height (bending or sitting down as I am rather tall at 6 foot 2 inches) and was less intimidating, not a big white skinned monster to them. I spoke softly in Thai and they responded with giggles and questions!! They were playing with my camera, with my flash, asking my name, what was in my pockets, where I came from. Being around children is sort of a new experience for me as I have none of my own. I was a bit uncomfortable at first but how can you be uncomfortable when a 2 young girls of maybe 5 years old come up to you are curious, hold your hand, sit on your leg then grab your nose and tell you how big it is! "Ja-mook Yai!" (big nose). It is joyful to be around Thai children I can still hear them calling out my name as I walked away, a group of 6 young girls and boys standing on the train tracks with their slum houses on each side, yelling "Gerry!"