Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Key To Daily Darkroom Work

Today is day 18 of my attempted 90 day darkroom work run. At times I have struggled to stay motivated, what I have found is that a key component of daily work is finding negs that inspire. If your working on something only semi good you get bored and the darkroom becomes difficult, where as if you feel the work is strong you you become excited, your energy level rises and things become much easier. It's a very simple idea sort of one those obvious truths that becomes even more apparent when your doing a run like this. One of the benefits of not being a pro is I can work on what I love all the time, shoot the subjects that inspire me and on negs that excite me. I am poor but happy! :)

I struggled quite a bit with the last difficult to print negative so I moved onto doing up RC 8x10s of new negs and 11x14 masks for possible fibre prints. Tomorrow I return to work for a 8 night run of security nightshifts, it will be impossible to maintain the effort of the last few days but I intend to do something darkroom printing related each and everyday.