Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Beauty Of Simplification, Leica's And Tri-x

The recent printing marathon plus the combination of scanning negs and using the Fotovix has allowed me to see and play with many of my November trip negs. I love what I am finding, there are still plenty of errors (wasted film, focusing, depth of field mistakes), but for the most part I am very happy with the way the shooting turned out. I am really falling in love and feeling more confident with these cameras and film. After years of use I am getting a real feel and understanding on what Tri-x and the Leica's are all about.

For the last few years I have advocated simplifying tools and using 1 maybe 2 films. that approach has helped my photography tremendously. Before I was dazzled with the what ifs of photography (what if I use this, buy that, try this etc.) I was sucked into the flashing lights of photography, multiple cameras, lens, films. I was constantly testing, always unsure, never able to decide what I wanted to say and how I wanted to say it.  Now things have become much simpler. It's like you spent your whole photo life planning to make photographs instead of actually making them. Now, today, I have chosen my gear for each format and limit myself to that, I have chosen my development times, film and printing methods and limit myself to that. No more testing, no more playing with and buying toys, I just make pictures. Photography is not about the what ifs of tomorrow it's about the reality and creating of today.

What is surprising is that by limiting myself I have also been able to grow, its like Steiglitz said to Weston "A maximum of detail with a maximum of simplification" Simple allows you to create, it allows you the greatest chance to create, your focused and not distracted. Less actually leads to more, less gear, less toys, less films, equals better photographs. The influence of Jock   Sturges, Sebastiao Salgado and Larry Louie have also taught me to simplify, they all do great work with very limited things. Sturges told me to sell all the other gear, and "Use 1 lens, 1 camera" and he was right. Don't get dazzled by endless cameras, lens and films. Do not continue to test and test and test, simplify everything as much as you can and MAKE PHOTOS.

I have to keep doing what I am doing now for as long as I am able to do it. I feel I am producing some of the best work of my life, now is the time to put the pedal to the metal and double and triple down. I have so many stories I want to tell, so many things I want to try and say with the work. Lets get to work!

"Ain't Photography Grand!!!"