Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Plastic 35mm Carrying Cases

I have been searching for a long time for some kind of plastic cases to carry my 35mm film in. When I transport the film overseas in clear plastic bags (to help security at X-ray machines) I inevidably get cassettes that open by accident leading to exposed film. I found the perfect  transport solution at Japan Camera Hunter, these babies go for $10 CAD plus shipping. I ordered 20 of the white style boxes which will help reflect heat. I can now carry up to 200 rolls with me and they will be safe and secure. I no longer worry about the X-ray machines as I have found that the 5 machines I face to and from Thailand (2 there, 3 back) do not effect my Tri-x in a negative (pun intended) way. With these cases I can also easily stack my film in the small bar fridges provided by most hotel rooms.