Sunday, June 9, 2013

2nd Lesson? Funding

Might be doing some more lessons soon, on either the use of a 4x5 camera or darkroom printing-film development. I hope it happens with the new Leica lens (still have not received my tax refund) and with the supplies I have been buying, darkroom chemistry, film and neg sleeves, I am very short on funds. So any money I can generate is a good thing. I also have to save some money for my return to Thai in October, with no grants coming from anywhere I am all on my lonesome funding all this. Another thing I need to get money for is for the production, shipping etc of my 2 overseas shows, both happening within the next year.

Money money money, makes the world go round, all I want to do is  make pictures and tell my stories, F-ck these constant money worries!!