Friday, February 3, 2012

VAAA Blog Blurb

Little blurb about my upcoming group show in the Visual Arts Alberta Blog. I always feel I sound like a pompous boob in these requested write ups. The galleries and art people want something so I try my pompous boob best.

UPCOMING AT VISUAL ARTS ALBERTA GALLERY… In A Box: Wide OpenAlberta Potters’ Assn & BC Potters’ Association. Joint exhibition of traditional, functional and sculptural clay works that showcase the vision and expertise of contemporary ceramic artists.1 March to 14 April, 2012, Opening Reception Thursday, March 1, 7-9:30pm
AND There is no remedy against the truth of language, new work by William G. Pret­tie: Gallery A: In many ways we create and maintain the world we live in through the language we speak, the text and the colloquialisms we use, and the explications that are part of our being through repetitive usage. Prettie’s work investigates text as image, and image as metaphor, to refashion the way that one looks at familiar things and to allow the mind to explore the new and multi-layered understandings that may result.
Human Voices, photographs by Gerry Yaum: Gallery B “I feel that photography can be a powerful voice for change; it can help the forgotten people in our society….My hope in creating these photo graphs was to document the people I met as well as to raise awareness amongst people in the West. I wanted to personalize the nameless work­ers everyone hears about but does not know. I wanted to have them heard, to give voices to the statistics.” 19 April to 26 May, 2012, Opening Reception Thursday, April 19, 7-9:30pm