Helped offered by many Thai photographers today, will write more later about their kindness.
I sent out a distress call to unkown Thai photographers yesterday, I just found them online in an Thai large format group, sent out some emails and within few hours I received several emails offereing suggestions and help. I got advice on making a temporary ground glass with tape, I got phone numbers and emails to ask others for help. One man Khun Pui even offered to lend me his 8x10 ground glass, can you believe that? Some stranger you do not know emails you and you offer to lend him your only 8x10 ground glass, maybe one of the only 8x10 GG in the whole country! Amazing, Thailand, its not an advertising exaggeration the people here are truly AMAZING.
I am going to try to use my broken ground glass again from 200 , I found it in one of my stored flash suitcases (I store my Speedotron flash equipment, holders etc here in Thai, they have been here since 2007). The ground glass was still in broken, taped and glued shape but I think its usable again.
Khun Manit also offered me help, Manit is a very good photographer I met him in November 2011. I will go back to his gallery and see the latest show later this trip.
Photographing in Thailand through the years has gotten progressivly harder for me mostly because I am challenging myself in so many new ways but it also has gotten easier as I meet more and more people who help me in so many ways. It is rewarding making photgraphs here, you feel like your doing something important.