Sunday, September 29, 2013


Well with the trip coming up soon I have doubled my efforts to learn some Burmese. Whenever you make photos and in life in general its very important to be polite to people so I have been concentrating on Burmese words that will help me communicate in a polite way. I can say "Can I take your photo?, What is your name?,  Thank you etc. But to be more polite it's important to address each person individually with respect. In Asian languages like Thai, Chinese and Burmese when you address people you do not know you often use the terms, brother, sister, uncle and aunt even if they are strangers.  I have been working on learning these words.
My method for approaching people will be as follows, I will wai them first (placing your hands together and raising them to your face with a slight bow) say hello (mingala- bah) then address them as either uncle or aunt, sister or brother. 
These new words:

Ooh-Lay = Uncle
Toh-Doh = Aunt (-oh, like in otter)
Auh-Go = Brother
Auh-Mau = Sister
(T)Da = Son
(T)Da-Mee = Daughter
To help me remember the new vocabulary I have associated the words with the faces of people I know from the dump, for example the young girl Doo-Aye I associate with (T)Da-Mee.
Another term that I am working on today is Kun-Nuh Lay Ngoh = "Can you just hold on a moment" I will use this term when I am making photos (especially with the large format gear) and need people to stay still. 

I will be limited in my Burmese speaking, its not like in Thai where I can have conversations and talk in some detail. The way I look at it thou is that any Burmese is better than no Burmese. Languages are great fun and a wonderful way to make friends and gain access.