Last night after scanning my M6 Tri-Elmar lens negs and having some problems with sharpness (slow shutters? large apertures?not focusing correctly? in between lens setting?), I fell asleep and dreamed of using my Nikon F5 in Asia. It a big somewhat bulky camera compared to the sleek M6 Leica's but it allows auto focus, a motor drive, multiple metering systems, multiple exposure settings and easy to find AA batteries. On the downside this camera is larger and heavier than the Leica's and it might be a bit more intimidating for the people I am photographing, do not want to frighten them off with big expensive looking (really not that expensive anymore because its a film camera but it looks like digital) machines.
With the Leica 28mm F2 still out being repaired and issues with some of my other Leica lens it may be a viable option to use this camera. Maybe I should listen to my dreams and pull the F5 out of mothballs and use it with my 20-35mm zoom F2.8. I have a short time to figure this out, I need to get the best possible tools ready so I can make the important photos I hope to make.