If I can manage it I want to try to go to the March 18th club meeting. The club is bringing a exhibited abstract painter in to judge, a fellow I have never met. I am thinking I will bring in the sex worker photos, maybe all ladyboys. I want to get some feedback from this fellow, good or bad it does not matter. I can use his thoughts to help with the selections for the PhotoNOLA show. Whatever his opinions are I am sure I can get some value out of them.
The problem is the 18th is my drop off day for my Kaasa show. I have to work the last of 7, 12 hour night shifts then stay awake till 10am and drop off my 36 prints, not sure how long I need to stay at the gallery, probably at least a hour. They have professional installers hang the work but I need to be there to make sure its what I want (you can call curating).
Then I need to get home, grab a few hours sleep and go to this club judge meeting outing. I will try to do it, thou I might not hear what the judge says about, I could be sleeping in the corner.