Saturday, March 9, 2013


Am down after yesterdays bad news, I had time to digest what was told to me and its set in now. I guess I was counting chickens before they hatched with this show, a lesson learned for next time. It was such a nice little fantasy for a while, the work was finally going to be shown outside the burg of Edmonton. I have had these sex worker photographs  promoted by 3 different people, gallery owners in Victoria, in Bangkok and now in New Orleans. Promises were made by all of these galleries but  the work has yet to be shown in any of these places. Its frustrating to have the rug pulled out on my expectations  yet again but what can I do, such is life. I know the work is important, the lives shown are very important, this story will eventually be told somewhere outside of Edmonton, I feel it.

I need to keep working and double my photographic efforts, f-ck I need to triple my efforts in all areas. I think I might go ahead and prepare 15 large sex worker prints mounted on aluminum for when the show eventually does happen, somewhere sometime. It will be a good feel for me to have the work ready and in a shipping case waiting for its opportunity.

No need to feel down, I feel better after writing this. I was thinking today of a young single mother I met and photographed in Klong Toey slum, I was thinking of the smile this woman had and the love she showed for her baby. We all find happiness in different ways, thinking back to this woman (girl actually) it reminded me of how really lucky I am.

Life will work itself out, lets march forward with a smile on our face and a song in our heart.

Some of the work being shown in Edmonton: