Wednesday, February 9, 2022

$50 Donation! Plus Hats And Small Toys

$50 Donation! Plus Hats And Small Toys
One of my co workers gave $50 to help THE FAMILIES OF THE DUMP along with a bag of hats and old toys.

I now have $550 in donation money to use as well as the hats and toys. Things are looking good donation wise for this trip. I hope I can get to the dump! Hope Covid does not stop me.

Thanks so much Kip P :)

Note* I have hats now from 4 different people, toys from 1. There might be more donations coming before I leave for Thailand, 2 more co workers have told me they are interested in helping.

Note** Bought SAFETY rubber boots yesterday from Walmart. The boots should protect me from the nails at the dump. Several years back managed to step on one of those drawing blood!

Note*** The money is used to buy headlamps, boots, food, medicine, candy etc. for the people/children who live and work at the Mae Sot Dump in Thailand.

New family on the garbage dump 2018
Hats toys and money from my friend Kip