Had another dream where I spoke Thai today. Over the years I have had many dreams where I spoke Thai, dozens of them, but it has been a while. Today during my sleep before my security night shift, I had a Thai speaking dream.
In the dream I was photographing a man that looked like Dom (from THE PEOPLE WHO LIVE UNDER THE FREEWAY project). This man was living outside of Thailand in a nearby country but when I spoke to him in Thai he understood and replied back in Thai, The strange thing is this "Dom" man had a big white bird with a broken leg tied to his shoulder with a long rope-string.
The bird was squawking, flapping its wings, while Dom was moving around, and I was trying to get a good shot of them both. I think I failed in the attempt because I was frustrated in the dream, frustrated that the picture was not coming together. After several minutes of this the man asked me for some money and I gave him 40 baht, 2 green 20 baht notes. He was happy. I also told him I would give him some pictures when I came back to Thailand from Canada. Dom said it was OK that it was not necessary, I told him no problem and he was happy again. Then I woke up.