Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Rejection Letter #2

Got my second rejection letter from Ontario today on the sex worker on white submission, This rejection is from the Centre Of Creative Photography in Toronto, Gallery 44.

January 10, 2012

Gerry Yaum

Dear Gerry Yaum,

Thank you for your submission to Gallery 44. Our Exhibition Programming Committee thoroughly reviewed all submissions. Unfortunately I must inform you your was not selected for exhibition at this time. The selection process s made very difficult by both the high calibre of the many proposals we receive and the the regrettably few exhibition spaces available.

We appreciated this opportunity to view your work and wish you the best of luck with it. We hope you will consider Gallery 44 a possible venue for future projects.



Exhibition Coordinator

I will continue this work on my next trip to Thailand and will resubmit it to these folks again. I also plan on submitting "Common Lives" proposals. Heck you got to keep trying right!! I need to remember what happened at the VAAA, todays no is tomorrows yes. The sex worker imagery previously rejected by the VAAA is now accepted as worthy of being shown (in the coming April show). I will continue the white background work this Thai trip and try to tell the story I want to tell in a clearer way. I will resubmit to G44 with the same subject later this year including new selections from the 2007, 2009 and 2012 photographs.

When it comes right down to it the work is whats most important anyway. I need to focus and make better  more compelling photographs, photographs that tell important stories, communicate worthy messages and create an emotional response in the viewer.

The most important thing is, I need to work harder and create the best work I can, the rest will follow naturally.