Monday, January 23, 2012

Book, Or Should I Say Booklet!

Got my book today from, its actually quite tiny and a better term might be booklet! I was surprised at how good it looks, better than I had hoped. The inside paper is not the kind I like and a few of the images are a bit dark but overall I am relatively pleased, after all it only cost $5.95 to print with a $10 shipping cost plus tax. Heck it cost more to ship the thing than to make the thing.

I will take it onto stage 2 now, move up to a square format of the book with a better quality paper and add some photographs, the current booklet is only 20 pages and 12 photographs.

The soft cover front and back photo which are on a more glossy surface paper look very nice. The printing is also better than I expected with less colour cast on the black and white images than I expected.

After the disaster of the Ladyboy Sex Worker Blurb book I was apprehensive to try again, I am encouraged with this effort thou and will continue working with the Blurb software. If I put together my top 50 4x5 photographs from Klong Toey I should be able to make up something quite nice.

I am thinking of making up a link on this blog and my website to sell the book. If I could sell any copies I could pull in a profit of $10-20 a book. With 3 books sold (and a profit of $20 a book) I could almost buy 50 sheets of Tri-x 4x5!