Friday, January 20, 2012

Less Than 40 Sheets To Go

Well the Tri-x 4x5 film is almost all developed, out of 600 sheets I have about 40 left. I lost lots (30%?) of the negs do to focusing or movement issues, I need to work on lowering those numbers. Overall I am quite happy with the way it went, I need more work with the Banarama 2 but when I focused properly I got some very good negs, with the Linhof I would get subject movement quite often at 1/4 of a second with the tighter upper body shots, need to shoot those at 1/8.

Am starting to get a handle on doing portraiture in the field with a 4x5, Jock's suggestion of using a reflector was very important, the negs now are more evenly lit and will be easier to print. Feel very excited about the possible 4x5 photo sessions in February/March. Can't wait to get back in the field making pictures again!