Monday, July 10, 2023

Our Tunnel Vision

Wrote this on a Facebook page, but deleted it. The post was about how certain commitees do not have a wide enough spectrum of people on them (dominated by whites).

"On committees a mix of people of all types and cultures, on all types and issues, is the way to go. The problem is some have power and others do not. It is also a choice to a degree. People seem more concerned with their own, than the lives of others. So, every group focuses on their own individual people/type, instead of the whole of humanity. 

This is of course partly related to past and current injustice. It is hard, maybe impossible, to care about other groups when you are facing centuries of persecution. But another factor is the tunnel vision of the individuals involved. Generally, white care about white issues, natives about native issues, blacks about black issues, gay folk about gay related issues, Christians about Christian issues, Muslims about Muslim issues etc. It is so tiring when people care only about THEIR people, whatever that means. 

Would it not be great if everyone cared equality about everyone and everything else? A world where we were all the same. Maybe someday when things are more balanced than now, when we can eliminate the hate, the racism, the poverty, the exploitation. When we can get rid of things like religion, countries, races and instead become one human family, united, loving and equal."