Sunday, July 23, 2023

Facebook Discussion On Art


Some artist follow their voice when practicing their art. The sad thing is 99.99% of artist will be forgotten. I used to work at a university art department. I've meet a lot of MFA students that have sincere, beautiful and moving art that will remain in obscurity. It's my hope that most artist will create art out of a personal need and not for recognition and ego fulfillment. Those artist that just need to create art, dying in obscurity is enough. Fame and fortune is just a bonus.

  • Gerry Yaum
    DY I think that is the key. Doing art because you have to, need to and want to, and then moving on from there. Back when I was around 17, I was confused about what to do with my life, it sort of tortured my thoughts. I decided at that age that I wanted to make photographs, my kind of photos, the photos I felt were important. I just had to do it. After I made that decision, I had a clear path forward, I felt a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. So that is what I have always done. That choice has brought me so much joy, so many experiences, so many friendships, so much satisfaction. I think that what artists should do is follow their hearts, make the art they have to make, make the art they want to make and f-ck the rest of it! ðŸ™‚ Being happy, doing what you love, is enough. I will make photos till I die; photography-art has never ceased to add beauty to my life. It has given me a reason to be, a reason to to be alive. The best choice I ever made, was that decision as a 17-year-old. Follow your heart folks!