Monday, July 3, 2023

Rough Draft, Retrospective Book, TEARS OF A BUTTERFLY

Was laying and relaxing before work tonight dreaming of photography things. I was thinking about my photography retrospective book TEARS OF A BUTTERFLY. I want to do a book of photographs and a book of photographic stories. 2 separate books or maybe one that can be combined.

To start with I thought a rough draft photograph book might be the easiest way to go. I am thinking:

- 1 photo per page numbers.

- no bleeds to edges, want white mat board like spaces around the photographs.

- 3 format sizes, square, horizontal and vertical 

-  No titles or page. Umbers. Let the picture speak for itself. I do not want distractions.

- full detailed titles with mini pics at the back of book

- pictures in random order from my lifetime in photos. This might need to change to subjects and chapters if it is too confusing.

- I will print out a normal paper rough draft, page by page using WORD for a black binder.

- a brief introduction and title page.

When completed, this rough draft will provide a solid beginning to the book, that I can show around and move forward from. 

It will also provide a photographic change of pace from my top heavy AMBROTOS KANATA Ambrotype workload.