Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year!! and Salt Prints

Happy New Year everyone! 

 I think back today to a wonderful new years eve I had in Hanoi Vietnam several years back. I miss those times, miss them so much.

To start this year its SALT PRINTS! To that end I am doing lots of salt reading, lots of how to make salt print videos. This last week off I did a ton of cleaning in the house. Now I have a manageable areas I can work in to do my print matting and my salt printing. 

Everything is almost ready to go now. I should be able to make a stab at salt printing next week off!!

The boss, Dimsum in his command post.
Matting area shared with laundry and MR DIMSUMP, who watches outside and sleeps from his basket.
Darkroom sink, printing area.
Print coating area.