Thursday, September 24, 2020

Seperating The Wet Plate Chemicals Into Smaller Bottles For Storage

Starting to transfer the 15 kilos of Indian chemicals to smaller lab style bottles. I did all the Potassium Bromide (white 1000 gram bottles) and part of the Ammonium Iodide (black 500 gram bottles). Ammonium Iodide is sensitive to oxygen.. I ran out of bottles and ordered some more via EBay from China. I have about 1/2 the Ammonium Iodide and all of the most dangerous chemical Cadmium Bromide to transfer yet.

The plan is to date and label these bottles then to keep each chemical separately in its own camping cooler, in a dark, dry, cool place. Possibly the root cellar in this house, which was originally designed for canning. The chemicals should be safe. I have them inside a zip lock bag with the air removed, then in a lab quality plastic bottle with both a plastic pop in lid and a plastic bottle cap. I then take those labelled bottles and place them in camping coolers (Cadmium Bromide cooler, Potassium Bromide cooler, Ammonium Iodide cooler), then I take the sealed coolers and place them in the root cellar.

I think this should work, hope it does!! I will need these chemicals for many years. I know I can do 5 years at least on the Ammonium Iodide, but after that its a bit of a crap shoot. Will save money regardless, but the more I use, the more I save.