Thursday, September 3, 2020

Bought Me Two Lund Photographics Storage Boxes And One Holding Tank

Picked up 2 -4x5 inch "Plate Storage Boxes" and 1-4x5 "Plate Holding Tank". The boxes each hold 20 4x5 inch glass plates. The holding tank is designed to carry the plates in water after fixing and before the final wash. Wet plate work needs to stay wet, it can only be dried one time or the collodion will peal. Cost was $244 USD including shipping, expensive but necessary. I will be using the boxes in the field during long AMBROTOS KANATA trips to protect my completed 4x5 work.

4x5 water filled holding tank
4x5 storage box
4x5, 8x10 and 11x14 storage boxes. Might get me some bigger ones later