Friday, September 18, 2020

KANATA Subject: How To Shoot Road Kill?

 Been asking online friends a question, got lots of good answers. Here is the question.

Hey folks maybe you can help me out. I am looking for the best way to build a support system for a large 11x14 or 16x20 view camera that would allow me to shoot straight down, so an overhead support system of some kind. I am doing a long term wet plate photography project, one of the minor subjects I want to shoot are road kill of animals. So the idea is to set up the ULF view camera directly over top the dead animal pointing straight down. Any ideas on how to set that up best to make sure it is secure, safe (working along side highways etc) and a fairly fast in the field set up. Any suggestions would be appreciated, or pictures of set ups you have used. Thanks Gerry

Got a lot of people suggesting ladders and mirror set ups, also scaffolding. I think the best set up me would be adjustable saw horses combined with cross beams of boards from 2x4 to 2x8. I could attach the camera too the board via a clamp and then shoot directly down on the road kill. I am not sure I can shoot 16x20 this way but should be able to do 4x5, 5x7, 8x10 and 11x14. Another factor to consider is I need to be careful not to block the light for the shot.

This type system would work good with road kill animals of all types and also shots that are focusing on the details of the Canadian landscape, possibly rocks, small land formations and vegetation.