Saturday, July 23, 2011

Grant and Submission

Did a submission via email this morning to the Kassa Gallery at the Jubilee Auditorium here in Edmonton. The submission is called "Portraits From Klong Toey Slum, Bangkok Thailand" all 10 portraits I submitted were of children who lived in the slum. In the past I have applied to show my sex worker photographs at this gallery and be rejected, so we will have to see how this submission works out.

I also am working on a Edmonton Arts Council Grant application. The grant is called a "Travel Grant", and would only be for a small amount of money but with multiple trips planned over the next year to work on the "Peoples Project" any money I can get will help greatly. I am very short of funds and grant money is a wonderful bonus opportunity that would help me create the body of work I need to create.

I also wanted to apply for a Project Grant For Individual Artists from the Edmonton Arts Council but unfortunately I missed the deadline by 3 weeks it was July 1. I will have to try for that grant next year.

I need to also look into provincial and national grants, working nights security pays the bills but leaves very little money for me to pursue my photography projects. Art grants could turn out a very important source of funding in the future.

For any Edmontonians interested in applying for art grants, here is the link.