Saturday, January 15, 2022

Enlarger Lens On ULF Cameras?


Some Facebook friends (Luther/Jesse) taught me today that some enlarging lens will work on ULF cameras!! Here is a Facebook post about that.

My 360mm, 240mm, 240mm (got it free) and a 210mm (came with my 8x10 Durst enlarger) enlarging lens. Can I use them with my 20x24 camera? Have to get lens boards for 1 and give it a try. I have mounting flanges with screws for the 360mm and first 240mm. I should be able to get a lens board online with the proper hole size, then mount the enlarger lens to it, then to the camera for some tests. 
These enlarger (for 5x7 and 8x10 enlargers) are a shorter focal length then anything I currently have. I have been told they will work for close up detail work. Something I am interested in trying. Picked up a pineapple today at Costco .

360mm, 240mm, 240mm and 210mm 8x10 to 5x7 enlarger lens