Have a small "Families of the Dump" exhibition at a local Edmonton
library scheduled for August 2019. Picked up a couple of ARTIFACTS from
the dump this morning to exhibit along side the photographs. I have a
teddy bear found abandoned near a dump shack where many children played
and also a small pink rubber boot inside the garbage dump. Made photos
of their locations before picking them up off the ground.
At the library exhibition I will place the teddybear in a glass jar I
bought a while back (second hand). The exhibition viewers can see the
large "Families of the Dump" photos (around 10-12) then view these two
dump artifacts with their location photos. It would also be cool if the
visitors could open the glass jar lid and 'smell the dump' off the cute
little teddy bear. It would give the whole experience that much more
reality! If visitors could smell the dump alongside the photographs,
that would be great. Doubt that it will happen thou.
Red boot in garbage dump for exhibition artifact #1.
Teddy Bear in garbage dump for exhibition artifact #2. |