Sunday, February 28, 2016

Quotes: Photographer Billy Kwan (The Year Of Living Dangerously)

"Don't think about the major issues. You do what you can about the misery in front of you. You add your light to the sum of all light."

" Starvation is a great aphrodisiac."

"Most of us become children again when we enter the slums of Asia. And last night I watched you walk back into childhood. With all its opposite intensities: laughter and misery, the crazy and the grim, toy town and a city of fear."

"In the West, we want answers for everything. Everything is right or wrong, or good or bad. But in the [shadow play], no such final conclusion exists. Look at Prince Ajuna. He's a hero. But he can also be fickle and selfish. Krishna says to him, "All is clouded by desire, Ajuna, as a fire by smoke, as a mirror by dust. Through these, it blinds the soul."

"What then must we do? We must give with love to whoever God has placed in our path."