My last night in Chiang Khong at the internet cafe I gave a twonnie (2 dollar Canadian coin) to the security guard at the hotel Internet cafe. I gave it to him because I thought he might be interested in this rather pretty coin with the polar bear on it. With my western (rich guy) perspective on things I saw the coin as interesting keep sake for him, that's how I would have taken it if someone gave me a coin back home (work nighttime security). The Thai guard took the gift from a different perspective, he immediately asked its value in Thai baht and when I said about 70 baht he got very excited and thanked me 2 times with hands in a high wai (sign of respect and thanks).
I try to see things, to understand things in terms of the way the locals do when I am making their portraits but I am still the spoiled rich guy who see small money as an interesting keepsake, not for what it can buy.
To Thais, Laotians and Cambodians even small money is something of value that can buy food, pay the rent or help the family.