Monday, October 10, 2011

First One Man Show?

Got a email today from the owner of the Toot Yung Gallery in Bangkok Thailand, asking if I would be interested in showing my photographs there. I checked out the galleries website, some wonderful work in the past shows gallery section.  Much of the imagery on the site is daring, challenging and exciting.

Hopefully this email inquiry leads to my first one man show and more importantly allows the work to be seen! I will return to Bangkok in November so the timing should be great, I can meet up with the owner, see the gallery space and talk some art. I would love to have the photography shown in the city-country of its origin. Will see how it all checks out, updates in the future, go visit the links below, lots of photography, lots of challenging engaging artwork.

Toot Yung Gallery, Bangkok Thailand

Toot Yung Blog