Thursday, July 3, 2014

A Promise To My Father

Today when I was in the bathtub before coming to work I came up with this title for my book (gosh is there anywhere I do not think about photography?). The idea was to title it "A Promise To My Father" with a subtitle specific to the photographs in the book, "Portraits From ....."

The book could be a series of 40 or 50 portraits done of the Burmese families at the dump or some other specific subject. I might also do a more general book of portraits done all over Thai or South East Asia, families of the dump, boxers, bar workers, farmers, migrant construction workers, fisherman, police, soldiers etc. all together in one book. The photos would be shot with in a vertical format with a 5x7 or 4x5 view camera and wider angle lens (120mm or 90mm).

The title would refer to a vow (promise) I made to dad, to do a photo book and dedicate it to him. I would have dads photo with an extensive dedication, maybe a bit of a biography. This way his life and his tremendous contribution to the lives of his children would be recognized and remembered.

I would probably first do up a self published book version from a publisher like Blurb and then submit that book to multiple real publishers. The idea is to get a real very high quality real book published by a real book publishing company. Maybe if the photos are strong could happen and I could fufill my vow to dad. I will try, give it my best, work hard at it and see what happens, that's all dad would expect of me.