Sunday, January 27, 2013

37 Sex Worker Negs And More Coming

Just did a quick look through some of my online white background sex worker images for possible selection to the Scott Edwards Gallery show, so far I have 37 negs for 10 spots. Gosh I have many possibles that are not even online, heck I even have film thats not developed from the 2012 sessions. This should be a very interesting cutting down process!

I wonder if I should do all nude portraits? Should I include head shots? Should I include clothed portraits? Should I just make selections that show the workers vulnerability? Should I choose negs that show strong and independent personalities? Should I do a combination of strong and vulnerable?

Lots to think about here. I want the pictures to work together on more than one level, maybe I need to do a combination of strong and vulnerable.

I found these four images shot in different years of Bla and Long. I think the poses and facial expressions show Bla's strength and Long's vulnerability.

Bla Freelance Sex Worker, Thailand 2009
Bla Freelance Sex Worker, Thailand 2012
Long Gogo Bar Sex Worker, Thailand 2009 
Long Gogo Bar Sex Worker, Thailand 2007

I need to think more about what story I want to tell with this small New Orleans exhibition but for now I better get back to printing my "The Train Is Coming Show",  the deadline for the print drop off is quickly approaching.