I had been working for several hours and got very hungry but thought heck I will try one more negative and see how it goes. I pulled out a neg I have never printed before of two women who worked a gogo bar in Thailand, the photograph is from 2007. After the first print I was hooked, that's the way it is when I start printing a photograph I like, its like you forget about everything else (food in this case) and just go for it. That was an hour and a half a go but am having some problems with the burning on the print so going to take a food break now think about it some more and come back to it. I am doing 16x20 prints tonight and photo paper is expensive so I need to regroup a bit before continuing. I am burning in Da's white shirt so I can see the polka dots (short girl with black hair) and burning in Sau's left arm closest to the picture edge.
This wonderful feeling I get when I am printing a photo I like is hard to explain, the magical appearing in the developer bath, the first time you see it when you open the light and its in the fix! That's frickin magic! That's while I never go digital for my b/w work. The darkroom is to beautiful a place to give up. Ok nuff typing, will get some food in my belly then back into the dark!
Here is the photo I am working on now :