Sunday, May 2, 2021

Process Lens For Wet Plate Work!

Things are starting to come together for some of the process lens buys made over the last 5 years. I plan on using these non shutter lens for my coming AMBROTOS KANATA wet plate project.

Got my 19 inch Artar Red Dot lens mounted onto a Sinar lens board last night. I plan to use the lens with my 16x20 camera. I have read online that it can cover the 12x20 format. It will be a nice little lens to use for wet plate/ambrotype work.

Also bought a Sinar lens board tonight with a proper size hole cut from China. Will use the board to hold my used (Thailand bought) 600mm Apo Nikkor F9 lens. This lens should be good for all 16x20 Chamonix camera work and maybe for the 20x24 at closer focusing distances (maybe).

S.K. Grimes is making me a flange for my 42 inch Goerz Red Dot Artar lens. The flange with Sinar board should be mailed out soon. I plan on using this lens with the 16x20, the 20x24 and maybe a bit with the 27x35 cameras (if possible).