Saturday, February 22, 2020

My MOMA Photography Link Page :)

So many gallery folk are rather uppity and difficult to deal with. When submitting to these types you often feel like a peasant looking up at the kings feet as you crawl and grovel in front of him. A bit much there :) but you get my meaning.

I love it when gallery/museum folk are down to earth and care about the poor artists-photogs struggling to tell their stories and get the work they make seen. What surprises me quite often is that the biggest most important gallery's are often the most down to earth and the most accessible, fair and decent with unknowns who submit their work (their hearts) to them. The Vancouver Art Gallery in Canada has always been one of those high end positive institutions. They are good folk, who give access and communicate back. They allow you to to at least try to get shown. Gosh that is so so nice to have!

Today I found out that the MOMA (Museum of Modern Art) in New York City also does that. Gosh the biggest of the big and yet they care. Got to love that!!! Here is there a bit of their online submission blurb.

Once you have completed the form, press the submit button and your information will be sent to the Department of Photography and you will receive an email confirming receipt of your submission.

The Museum appreciates the opportunity to review your work, and we understand the effort it takes to prepare and present your portfolio. Therefore, we view all submissions seriously, and with great care.

Here is the online link to the MOMA submission area

You got to love art folks like this, the smaller galleries could learn from MOMA. I have never been to New York, but when I do go, MOMA will be the first place I visit. I plan on submitting work to them with a link to 10 photos I have made in the next while. So which 10 photos?