Friday, February 7, 2020

Kathe Kollwitz

Tonight was browsing one of my art books in the guardhouse and found the German artist Kathe Kollwitz. I went online and researched her. I love her art, it is filled passion, honesty and heart. Most importantly she puts her subjects before herself. So many "ARTISTS" put themselves first. I tire of the selfish, self aggrandizing me, me, me thing.

Ordered 3 Kathe Kollwitz books used off Amazon. I will learn more about her life and her art in the coming days. Her husband was a doctor, they lived together with the poor helping them in pre-World War II Germany. She spent her life fighting for the rights of others, those living in poverty, woman's rights etc. Kathe Kollwitz was a selfless and loving human being. Am eager to learn more, see more about Kathe Kollwitz.

Here is a taste of her work:

Kathe Kollwitz On Wikipedia

Works by Kathe Kollwitz