Monday, December 23, 2019

Film Photography Post On Dad

I posted the found photos of dad on my Facebook and on another Facebook group site, "Film Phography

from Facebook....

Gosh the dad post has 328 likes and 55 comments on the "Film Photography" facebook page. Never ever had a post of over 50 likes? 60 likes? Why? 
I think it is because so many of us have lost a loved one to Cancer, so many want to talk about it and so many want to share their stories, their memories of those they loved and lost. That is the true power and beauty of social media, the true strength of places like Facebook. A place where people can reach out and share common experiences leading to healing and a better personal well being. Thank you dad for allowing all these people to share their stories, your example, you love allowed that. 
I wish I could talk to him about this, he is my hero.

Update* I guess this also speaks a bit to the power and importance photography can have in telling important stories, stories with a common human theme.