Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Facebook: Want To Shoot More Film Next Trip

Gerry Yaum shared a memory.
Some more memories from last year. Want to try and shoot more film this coming trip, more than last trip (these linked photos are digital shot at 10000 ASA with the aid of a tripod). Thinking of taking a blad with wider lens to do portraits with. Would take the twin lens Rolleiflex but there are film loading issues with 2 of my 3 Rollies (do not really have the money to repair them just now). Am thinking a Hasselblad with extension tube might work better, might be more reliable in the scary dirtiness of the dump.

Gosh just remembered, I still have a bunch of 35mm film to develop from last trip also a bit of 8x10. Too much to do and not enough time to do it all!

Also need a new Thai based project to shoot.


Various photos from Feb 6 last year in Thai, a Facebook memory