Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Pier 24 Show

I am in San Francisco, yesterday I saw the show of my life! The Pier 24 how was frickin awesome! I was very inspired after viewing the photographs, it was all so exciting to see this world class work.

I loved the Richard Avedon "American West" photographs, they had such depth to them, plus a wonderful warm human tone to the prints. Viewing the Diann Arbus work was  stunning, what a great photographer. Arbus has been criticized for seeking out the freak factor in her subjects but the more time I look at her imagery the more humanity I find.

I saw some other great work including Strand's "Blind Woman", Evan's "Alabama Tenant Farmers Wife", Brassai's "A Prostitute Playing Russian Billiards" and August Sander's "Boxer's". The show also led to the discovery of several new photographers who I will now study more.

I enjoyed this show so much I am going to take two more trips to the gallery, one tomorrow and one on Thursday.

Great times!!!

August Sander
Paul Strand
Walker Evans