Sunday, June 26, 2022

Photo Story: Ying 37, laughing under the freeway, THE PEOPLE WHO LIVE UNDER THE FREEWAY

Ying was a lady I met in 2019 under the freeway in Bangkok's Klong Toey Slum. She lived with a man named Dui. her home was a cloth walled mattress not far from where this portrait was made. One of the kind things she did for me was give me a green glass (imitation Jade) Chinese style Lion. A gift, no charge even thou I offered to pay for it. I have that Lion in my darkroom now, and think of her sometimes. In 2022 when I returned under the freeway she was gone, Dui was gone and their shared mattress home was gone. That part of the freeway hand been destroyed. I do not know where she is now.

Ying 37, laughing under the freeway, THE PEOPLE WHO LIVE UNDER THE FREEWAY. Klong Toey Slum, Bangkok, Thailand 2019