I am still making tons of mistakes, figuring things out and solving countless problems but the images are starting to come, so the AMBROTOS KANATA cross Canada wet plate project is moving forward, thanks to all of you.
Thought I would share a bit of last weeks trip. Left directly from work (where I work as a security guard nights) at 530am Monday, returned home the following Monday morning at 830am, so put in the max time I could. Visited multiple sights in the Canadian Rockies.
I am still having issues with shooting far off snowy mountains but did my first 12x20s and also a number of 8x10s. Some shooting days were 12 hours long, others a bit easier. It is all a bit of a blur. The more I do wet plate the more I admire all you folks out there who have created such skillful work for so many years. It is so daunting and difficult to work in collodion, my appreciation for what you have done is doubled each time I fail. Thanks so much for all your help.
The project goal is to eventually shoot the HF35 (35x35 inch view camera) in the field, then produce the clear glass ambrotypes to completion in the trailer while traveling long distances, over many months, all over Canada. That goal seems near impossible at present, but a bit more possible than it seemed last year and the years before. I keep thinking, this person did that, and that person did this, you can too. Just keep working hard and the problems will work themselves out.