Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Photographing The Bad Parts Of Canada And Canadian History

Thinking of the coming photo project KANATA about the country of Canada. I want to photograph and tell stories about all aspects of the country both the good and bad, the beautiful and ugly.

Some of the ugly-bad Canada story subjects (not exactly sure how to photograph these) might be:

- Indian residential schools, and the victims
- Life on Canadian Indigenous reservations
- Japanese internment camps during WWII
- Chinese laborers working the Canadian Railway lines.
- Involuntary medical testing-experimentation, homes for the mentally ill (abuses) etc.
- Pollution, environmental damage (Fort McMurray tar sands?)

One of the ideas being I could speak to these subjects as the pictures come up during the artist talks. Canadians need to know more about the sometimes bad history of Canada. Only then will those type of things never happen again.