Thursday, October 4, 2018

Facebook: St. Albert Gazzette Story REPLAY

Just had a little Facebook interaction with the writer Scott Hayes who works for the St. Albert Gazette. A while back in 2017 he wrote an article about some photographs we had showing at the St. Albert Art Gallery. The subject was the last year of my fathers life as he fought with Pancreatic Cancer. Thought I would share that article as well.

We have shown dads photos 3 times and each time people at the openings have pulled me aside and shared their own cancer and health related stories. People tell me of their mother or father, their sister or friend who have died as a result of Cancer, Alzheimer's etc. Dads pics allow others to share, to open up and discuss. The exhibitions became a bit of a healing thing. I am sure dad would have liked that.

Thank you Scott, for the work you do.