Monday, December 2, 2013

The First 8 Rolls

Jet lag or no jet lag I had to see if the film was OK. I developed my first 8 rolls of Tri-x 35mm from this last trip. The first 8 of 207 look fine, that's a frickin relief! No worries about X-rays, no worries about outdated 2012 film etc. Things are looking good! I managed to avoid most X-ray machines this trip, I asked most often if I could get my film hand checked of the 7 machines I faced half the film was only X-rayed 1 time and the other half 2 times (even got it hand checked in Vancouver!!). In the past I have 35mm Tri-x X-rayed up to 5 times without any apparent damage. Now to wash the film, hang it to dry and then to bed. I have a work shift tonight, the first of 7-12 hour night shifts.