Wednesday, August 31, 2011

3 Hours Sleep But Feel Good

The plumbers came in to the house/darkroom today and did their thing. I ended up only getting 3 hours sleep before my night shift but I feel surprisingly good. The bill was also less than I was worried about $750, next time Gerry call the plumber and do not try to be a hero. The swelling in the knee is better so hopefully it will be ok by the time I fly next week.

Now the trick is to make good portraits, portraits with some meaning. I need to get to that next level in the portraiture, if I can get to that level I can make something compelling which is something I have always searched for and what I owe my subjects.

I want the truth of the people I photograph (or at least my perception of the truth) to ooze out of the image, the portraits must connect with the viewer so that it is impossible for them to pull away their gaze, they must just keep looking and looking and looking.

The names or nicknames of the people are important also, as Eleanor Lazare says it adds an extra level of humanity.