Friday, November 26, 2010

Todays Work

Been working hard at getting the ringflash headshots done so I can start work on the 4x5 environmental Khon Thai portraits. I have shot about 1/2 the 220 Portra film I brought with me and want to complete that before I move onto the next stage of photographs.

I ended up shooting 6 ladyboy sex workers today which sort of wore me out. My eyes got tired of focusing the blad/ringflash combination. I had one film jam that prevented me from shooting more in one session. I also seem to be having some film advance problems. I hope I am not getting any double exposures. The good technical news is I was able to get a adaptor ring for the ringflash/blad so I do not have to tape the ring flash to the lens any longer (darn thing get falling off and going sideways).

The ladyboys I shot today had either pleasant or difficult personalities. Some that I shot got into it, laughed and try to collaborate in the photo sessions, others were tired or angry types that were hard to work with. I wanted the photographs to accurately depict who they were as people. I might end up using 5 or even 10 portraits from these sessions in the May group show I am involved in. I have photographed 12 people so far (9 ladyboys) and will probably photograph another 12-16. I have 2 older ladies scheduled for tomorrow at 2pm.

Got go go eat some pizza and relax my eyes a bit, then there is some kind of full moon party that I want to check out.