Thursday, September 26, 2019

Bought Me A Wet Plate Darkroom Trailer For The “KANATA” Cross Canada 10 Year Photo Project!!!

I went tonight to view the trailer from the earlier post snd fell in love with it. It is a bit large (a 7x12 better?) and the man door lock is missing a key (needs to be replaced) but everything else seems pretty much PERFECT! The inside of the trailer is finished. The walls are not simple exposed board but covered with a plastic I-Brite material (not sure what it is called), the floor is also finished with a hard surface. There is also a counter top where I can mount a tripod or put trays, plus a furnace and electrical plugs, 110 power and battery power lights etc. The trailer is a 2013 and rated to carry up to 8000 lbs, I am the third owner.

I will only need to light proof the trailer, get some kind of safe light system and install a sink(s) and some kind of cupboards/shelfs. I will have at least 2 years to set it up before I am taking it into the field. Will need to eventually get a camper-motor home-converted bus to pull the whole thing. Step by step builds the Great Wall! This is another step in creating the grand "KANATA" photo project.

Trailer features:

- 7 x 14 feet with tons of interior height. I am 6 foot 2.5 inches and there is at least 4 or 5 inches above my head to the ceiling.
- 2012 model, twin axle.
- 3 fluorescent electric roof light fixtures (work with wet plate?, covert to safe lights?)
- 2 battery operated roof lights works off a floor battery and inverter (convert to safe lights).
- propane heater with furnace (safe with wet plate? an ignition source? probably need to leave it off when working wet plate).
- counter top.
- tie down side rack devices to secure gear when traveling.
- separate man door with step.
- 4 wall mounted 110 volt plugs along counter top (enlarger?).
- 2 windows, one on wall, one on door (cover black or with ruby lithe to make safe lights).
- roof vent with small fan (can open when working at night).
Extras: Spare wheel, aluminum shelf material, tire stops, 2 hitch locks, 2 thin ramp columns for rolling things into the trailer. Also got some heavy duty metal tie down straps included. Will use the straps for a possible moped or to lock down the camera gear when travelling.

- insulated, I-bright style covered walls, metal floor.

Asking price was $9000 CAD. I offered $8600 CAD and with some polite negotiating was accepted.. The seller Les will then transport the trailer to mom and dads home for me (I have no vehicle to pull it) . I will need to cash some savings GICs to get this paid for.

I will adapt and modify a trailer into a darkroom at the house over the next few years. My thinking is to use this both for a wet plate darkroom and a normal darkroom for developing film on the road and to print with a standard enlarger or to contact print the larger negs onto RC paper as tests. There is is also the possibly of setting up some kind of digital work station printer in here, but that might work better in the eventual motor home/ bus conversion I get.

I will need to install a sink or sinks in the trailer, as well as an enlarger, safe lights, shelving of some kind etc. This could be a great tool to make important photos in far away locals. I plan on using it across the entirety of Canada, from the West coast of British Columbia and Vancouver island to the Northern stretches of the Yukon and North West Territories, from shores of far off Newfoundland to the the inner forests and cities of Quebec, Manitoba, Ontario and Saskatchewan This rugged well built, durable mobile trailer darkroom should be a dream to work with and in!!!!! AM VERY EXCITED BY THE POSSIBILITIES.

Update* The trailer will be delivered on Sunday, need to go to the bank tomorrow to do some banking. Hate to cash the GICs, really hate it but you got to do what you got to do. Hope this project and these eventual photos are as important and beautiful as I am dreaming.

Update** The HF3535 camera, my huge 35x35 inch view camera is nearing completion. I will probably be in my home in Canada by early 2020 (hope hope!!).

Update*** I will also probably eventually purchase a used 3/4 truck to pull the trailer (darkroom #3) on shorter day trips.

Wide view of trailer
Man door with step
Furnace box
Me in interior
Overview of interior with window, breaker box on right
Tandem wheels
Metal style floor
Double propane bottles for the furnace
Working counter top (for enlarger? and other working tools)
Roof hatch (need to light tight this area)
Light switch and thermostat
Me in trailer
Front view of trailer
Trailer specs
Rear trailer door hinge
More distant view of side of trailer
Seller Les and me in trailer
One of the slim-steep ramp rails
Man door 2 (lock needs replacting)
Rear of trailer
Front and left of trailer
Inside trailer man door and switches
Left side of trailer