Monday, September 16, 2019

Update Sun-Matting Room

Did some more work on the Sun-Matting room today. It is starting to shape up. Love the amount of daylight in this new space, it is made up of 6 windows and 4 sliding doors. This should work well for mat cutting, spotting and framing the photography.
The room will also be a nice reading, relaxing area. Last night I fell asleep in the pictured chair for 6 hours. I was hiding under a nice big quilt! One of the real joys in life is reading and browsing books. Will be doing lots of that here under available light. Photo books, novels, non fiction history stuff, LOVELY!
I still need to dig out my big mat cutter which will be placed on the large table. Also need to put together some kind of storage drawers for all the little tools I will be using. The room blinds need to be restored as well. Anyway it is slowly coming together.

Second hand, chair-leg stool used leather like $80, wood amp $20, table $80. Cushion something my mom or maybe my grand mom made years ago.Second hand, chair-leg stool used leather like $80, wood amp $20, table $80. Cushion something my mom or maybe my grand mom made years ago.
One furry attention seeking mammal. Leng Mao (pretty cat) always loves to climb on you, whenever you sit down for a few minutes.
Old dry mount press to flatten prints, some discount paper cutters a light and and a timer. All placed on a old table my father had in the garage.
Large outdoor picnic table, will try it with the mat cutter, see how it works.