Did up a submission to the Art Gallery of Grand Prairie, for both FAMILIES OF THE DUMP and THE PEOPLE WHO LIVE UNDER THE FREEWAY. Their submission deadline is next Thursday, so this is just under the wire.
I sent them 11 photos along with a artist statement and my CIV. Here are the photos and the Facebook story I wrote up.
Got some positive comments from a kindly photographer (now a friend, meeting him next week) at a nice mid level Alberta art gallery recently. After that bit of encouragement I am making up a FAMILIES OF THE DUMP and a THE PEOPLE WHO LIVE UNDER THE FREEWAY, submission for them. Not sure we can get into this place but hope we can. If the work does get shown then the money from the show-artist talk will be donated back to the the subjects (either the families at the dump or the homeless people who live under the freeway). Here are a few pics, will add to this post as I edit and choose what we will submit to the gallery people.
Note* We equals, the subjects, the donators and myself, this is a team effort not a me effort.
Baby in dump shack home, Families of the Dump, Mae Sot Thailand, 2019. This child was playing and jumping all around me as I spoke to 5 or 6 of his family members. |
oung girl on the edge of the dump, Families of the Dump, Mae Sot Thailand, 2016. Another 5x7 view camera shot from 2016. This little girl was following me around while I was making other pics. |
Dump shacks and dogs, Families of the Dump, Mae Sot Thailand, 2016. Photo made with a 5x7 Linhof camera and Tri-x. You have not lived until you have hauled around heavy view camera gear in a garbage dump. Got the photo thou, so it all worked out in the end! |
Mother working the garbage, Families of the Dump, Mae Sot Thailand, 2013. This photo was made during my first trips to the dump in 2013. This woman never spoke to me or looked me in the eye for the longest time, she seemed frightened by me. Then after a little hairpin adventure she changed and stared at me with a smile. Read the story here: http://gerryyaum.blogspot.com/2013/05/hairpins.html |
Nui-ooh, Families of the Dump, Mae Sot Thailand, 2015. Nui-Ooh will stare at me like this for hours. Half interest, half terror. The older she gets thou the calmer she has become, This video is from 2018, I have photographed her since she was a baby, see the other photo on the link as well: https://gerryyaum.blogspot.com/2017/11/video.html |
Sisters, Families of the Dump, Mae Sot Thailand, 2015. Rolleiflex picture. Later the older sister on the left shaved her hair because of lice. |
Two brothers in their dump shack, Families of the Dump, Mae Sot Thailand, 2013. |
Working the garbage, Families of the Dump, Mae Sot Thailand, 2013 |
Young Girl With Family, Families of the Dump, Mae Sot Thailand 2018. Digital night shot made at 10000 ASA. |
Win family boy barefoot in the garbage, Families of the Dump, Mae Sot Thailand, 201 |
Here is one photo I sent later, not really part of the submission. It is a new photo that I found 2 days ago in my computer files, from 2018.
Family group in their dump home on top of the garbage, Families of the Dump, Mae Sot Thailand, 2018. This entire group plus 3 or 4 more people slept in this dump shack structure directly on top of the garbage. The photo is lit mostly lit from my camera position . They were actually sitting in the dark. I held up 2 flashlight headlamps to light the scene with my left hand while shooting a tripod mounted camera with my right hand. |