Friday, September 13, 2019

Quote: Renia Spiegel (Writer And Holocaust Victim)

From a recently published diary written by a young jewish woman executed by the Nazis.
"June 7, 1942
Wherever I look, there is bloodshed. Such terrible pogroms. There is killing, murdering. God Almighty, for the umpteenth time I humble myself in front of you, help us, save us! Lord God, let us live, I beg You, I want to live! I've experienced so little of life. I don't want to die. I'm scared of death. It's all so stupid, so petty, so unimportant, so small. Today I'm worried about being ugly; tomorrow I might stop thinking forever.
Think, tomorrow we might not be
A cold, steel knife
Will slide between us, you see
But today there is still time for life
Tomorrow sun might eclipse
Gun bullets might crack and rip
And howl -- pavements awash
With blood, with dirty, stinking slag
Today you are alive 
There is still time to survive
Let's blend our blood 
When the song still moves ahead
The song of the wild and furious flood 
Brought by the living dead 
Listen, my every muscle trembles
My body fumbles for your closeness 
It's supposed to be a choking game, this is 
Not enough eternity for all the kisses 
    July 15, 1942
    Remember this day; remember it well. You will tell generations to come. Since 8 o'clock today we have been shut away in the ghetto. I live here now. The world is separated from me and I'm separated from the world."